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Find Truth within
Every answer exists within you

Love the truth more than 'me'. 
Live in the true world.

Simple, Powerful & Systematic Method

Our method is a step-by-step guided meditation practice, designed for anyone regardless of experience.


this meditation has real result

473 meditation beginners surveyed after 3 months in our meditation program

Portrait of an attractive woman in a chair at the table with cup and laptop, book, pencils

You will learn how to



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Realize where all your questions and curiosities come from


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See and throw away from the perspective of the Universe using the guided visualization technique


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Realize that the truth which is the Universe that exists within you. Live in real happiness in the true world.
How it Works

Our Classes

Our Doctors


joa kim.jpg

New Grad

The difference in my life … can be described with one word: Gratitude.

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Hjörtur H, 
Web Developer and Co-Founder

You start to see yourself, the way you are in all aspects of your life


Alexandra B,
Massage Therapist

This meditation is? “simple and so powerful”



Full length happy young nanny mom sitting on sofa in lotus pose, teaching small daughter y

You can access meditation sessions as many as you want according to our schedule. It includes personal consultation with meditation helper

What are you looking for?


Begin your meditation journey with monthly program. you can experience qualified guided meditation session with helper

The Top 10 Things That People Wish For

1. Go to the world without death and live eternally
2. Be happy
3. Be successful
4. Have the capability to achieve your goals
5. Be healthy
6. Have peace within
7. Become free from useless thoughts and truly focus on the present 
8. Break bad habits
9. Always have a grateful mind
10. Have successful relationships 


You can find all the answers within!!! 


I, who do not possess am beautiful
I, who can give everything is beautiful
You, who do not possess are beautiful
You, who can give everything are beautiful
We, who do not seek from each other, are beautiful
We, who help each other are beautiful
We are always together, We are beautiful
We can do together, we are beautiful
We, who. transform pain to happiness are beautiful
we, who transforms impure to pure, are beautiful
We, who believe in each other are beautiful
We, Who love nature, are beautiful
We, who transform from incompletion to completion are beautiful
People are beautiful 
Nature is beautiful
Universe is beautiful
Coexistence is Heaven 


Get In Touch

Text or Call: 095 530 5887


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